Integrated Card Payments

Speed up transaction times and reconciliations whilst eliminating mistakes

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Integrated Card Payments’


  • No double keying, with associated risk of errors
  • No assistant handling of cards
  • More accurate till reconciliation as all card transactions have been approved via Retailer
  • Broadband (ADSL) based for quick authorisation times
  • No line rental as it utilises your existing broadband connection.
  • Reduced desk space as you only need a pin pad.
  • Keyed entries / Customer Not Present transactions handled
  • Easier to train new staff
  • More professional, customers prefer consolidated receipts.
  • Competitive transaction rates
  • Chip & Pin Terminals Supports Contactless, ApplePay, Samsung Pay, Android Pay and Google Pay
  • No third party acquirer – deal direct with the merchant
  • 364 day technical support helpdesk
  • No extra charges for our preferred suppliers

Reason for looking elsewhere?

If you are an existing RBA client and are looking for an integrated card payment solution, or are looking for a better deal than your current solution, click below and complete the enquiry form and we will pass on your details to our partners for them to get in touch.